Saturday, January 31, 2015

Resolutions for 2015

So, I typed the title and stared at the screen for a long time. I mean, I have a number things I want for this year. But, I want to make a list of only those ones that I will close before the end of this year. And that was becoming a tough list to create. I have a history of coming up with resolutions and not really keeping them and so for a change, I want to do things differently :)

Sometimes a resolution with specifics or measures makes it achievable quite as long as I am motivated to do it. For instance, lose 5 kilos before the end of the year. Lose 5 kilos in 3 months - It is possible. But, can I do it? Bottom line, as always, these resolutions boil down to me.

So, instead of coming up with a bunch of resolutions that are easy to make and break - I decided to come up with a list of achievable resolutions for 2015. And since, according to research, 80% of the people who came up with resolutions tend to break all or most of their resolutions before the end of January, I have decided to come up with my list at the end of the month. Here goes:
  • Walk for about 30 minutes - 5 days in a week if not every day. 
  • Eat sensibly to lose 5 Kilos in 5 months time.
  • Blog once a week or post 4-5 blogposts a month.
  • Read 1 book a month - re-reading an old book is also allowed as long as I read it again completely.
  • Try 1 new thing every month - something I have not attempted in the past.
  • Take 1 trip per quarter for the change of scene that it gives you - it need not be a big trip - a weekend away or even a single day outing is also fine as long as you are not in your home.
  • Start going for driving lessons and drive your car to office before the year ends.
As you can see, none of them are very challenging and should be achievable soon. Well, lets see. It all depends on me. I wonder if I should tack this on my laptop - something which I stare at everyday so I remember them and do something. All the Best to me.

1 comment:

Arien said...

You have achieved it in the past and you can do it again. I will be there to support you throughout :)