Thursday, January 1, 2015

2014 - The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

2014 flew past - of course, some parts not so fast and some too fast. Whatever I wanted going fast went too slow and what I wanted handled well, went badly and so obviously I do not love 2014. But, 2014 had a few good moments as well.

The Good - What went well
  • Kuku calling me 'Amma'
  • Kuku sitting up suddenly and clapping his hands - happened during a vacation and not at home
  • Kuku standing up without support and taking a few careful steps before he carefully plonks down
  • Kuku turning 1 year old
  • Getting a few hours away from Kuku to visit office, visit the parlour, and generally take a break 
The Bad - What could have gone well but didn't
  • Striving for work-life balance in my chaos-filled life
  • Keeping my cool when I listen to advice on how I should bring up my son or manage my time and also when I receive gyan on how ppl managed their kids with no support blah de blah
  • Following a Diet
  • Managing Kuku when he throws a temper tantrum or during his incessant wailings
The Ugly - Something which did not work at all
  • Cooking
  • Managing my time 
  • Working with Nannies 
Anyway, I am glad 2014 is over. Kuku begins his terrible 2s (they begin after his first Birthday itseems) and I have to get better organized at handling my time and the lil fella. Hoping for the Best. Good Bye 2014 and Hullo 2015.

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