Monday, January 19, 2015

Pulse Polio Program -- Why does your baby need it?

I guess most folks know this but I didn't. When some family members called to let me know that the Pulse Polio program was going on last year, I listened but did not bother to go get Kuku vaccinated at the government health centers. I thought, we have already taken the polio injection for Kuku - so why stand in a queue with zillion other people to get it? My SIL called and told me how it was very important and that even if I have missed one, I should take care to get it done when it was being done again. I was confused but did not want Kuku to suffer because I took the decision not to.

This year, the Pulse Polio program happened on Sunday19th January. Again, the same family members called and informed me and we wondered where we could get it done. I was told that I could visit the nearest railway station, government school, etc. to get it for Kuku. We started out for the railway station and were told that there were people waiting near the nearby temple or a bit further - who were volunteers for the program and they could give the drops for Kuku. We did not see anyone near the temple and so we decided to keep going when we saw a banner for the Polio drops. I was apprehensive of the queue, the crowds, etc. as I imagined a zillion people before us but there was no one! We went in, got it done, Kuku had a mark on his little finger to indicate he had taken the drops, and we were back home before you could say Pulse Polio :D

I came home and wanted to read up and I found this article very helpful:

Now, I know why we must take these drops and will go for every one of these sessions. If you missed it, do not worry. The next one is scheduled for next month. Keep an eye out for the advertisements in the newspapers. I will also post a reminder.

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