Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The multitasker

The last few days have been hectic as I have been juggling various aspects of my life such as cooking, personal time, and work, pretty well :D I am usually pretty bad at juggling as I am a can-do-one-task-at-a-time person. Most ppl assume that I am a cdotaat 'cos I am aiming for perfection - let me disabuse you of tht idea :D All I want is to complete the damn task so I can take a beeg break :D

So it came as a wonderful surprise that I was pretty good at juggling all the items and could also be pleasant at the same time :) OKkkk.. today's breakfast of Semiya did not look like the Semiya shown in ads -looked more like paste :( Well, thts the arien's fault for having purchased sevai instead of semiya. Anyways, I went ahead and made Dosa instead and then proceeded to work like nothing hpnd :) Usually, something like this would have left me short-tempered and bugged till I reached work where something else would absorb all my interest. Hmmmm :|

I strongly feel that we all have the ability to do almost anything that we set our minds to and if luck by chance is also on our side - well then, there is nothing that stops you from doing exactly what you want. Its been a while since I felt this way and it is a wonderfully happy feeling. Now, if only I could feel the same way 'bout my fitnes... oh well, too much of a good thing is not healthy :P


shobs said...

i know exactly wat u mean! days when u feel u'r with the flow and everything goes along you and not crashing into you from the opposite direction!

ah! my life's aim is to find the "flow" and stick to it :D

Anonymous said...

hey...good to know you are multi-tasking in full flow :D

Enjoy it while it lasts :)