Saturday, October 22, 2016

Birthday Celebrations - Lunch and Cake

As always, Kuku has two birthday celebrations. For the first celebration, we opted to order-in lunch at my aunt's place so my grandma could also be part of the celebrations. My family junta were all gathered at my aunt's place by the time we landed with lunch. Adit was waiting to cut the cake and so did not want to eat lunch. He opted to stay hungry and cranky and murmered "Cake" if anyone offered him food. We ordered from High Note. Everyone liked what we had ordered.

The cake I had in mind was the rainbow cake - the one with all the colors of the rainbow and covered with white cream on top. I wanted the baker to add a caterpillar on top because Kuku loves the hungry caterpillar. He agreed to create a simple caterpillar but at the time of collection, he just added a simple number 3 on top and gave the cake to us. Apparently, adding a caterpillar on top of the cake, required the cake to be of at least 4Kg. This was utter nonsense. I was quite put out.

Anyway, the cake was very very sweet. Everyone, including Kuku, could manage only a small piece.

Kuku had fun. We all returned home absolutely tired. Tomorrow, we had another round of celebrations. We are so glad it is dinner and not lunch.

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