Thursday, November 1, 2012

English Vinglish -- Movie Review

When our trip to Chennai got cancelled due to the Nilam cyclone, we decided to catch English Vinglish at home. Too many ppl had given a beeg Thumbs Up for the movie for us to ignore the movie. Most ppl gushed 'bout the movie, Sri's performance, the story etc etc.

A stay-at-home wife, Sridevi, has a small home-run business making ladoos and sweets. The folks who buy her sweets sing her praises but her family, especially her hubby and daughter do not appreciate her or her efforts. Her son loves her unconditionally and her mother-in-law is quite supportive. When she is invited to her niece's wedding in the US, her husband asks her to go a month in advance to hep her sister while the rest of the family will join her close to the date of the wedding. While this makes Sridevi very uncomfortable, she goes ahead. After the initial gup-shup she feels a little left out and wonders how she will manage till her family joins her. After a particularly embarrassing episode at a road-side cafe that reduces her to tears, she opts to take up English classes without letting anyone know. The class helps her pick up English and builds confidence. With her simple, understanding, and sweet nature, she becomes quite popular in her class. The movie ends on a nice note.

The story is simple and touches your heart. Sridevi was not sridevi but the stay-at-home, unappreciated woman, Shashi. And you sympathise with and root for Shashi/Sridevi as she drives home her message of equality and respect without theatrics or melodrama.

While I would like to say Sridevi looks good for her age, I also thought she looked very plasticy in some angles. Her nose may not survive any more surgeries - her nose reminded me of Michael Jackson's nose and I wish she had left her nose as is.

A nice movie to watch on a lazy Thursday afternoon while having yummy lunch at home.

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