Monday, July 4, 2011

The Reversal

A visit to the bookstore and I saw the new book from Michael Connelly. As usual, I picked it up without thinking. After I billed it, I remembered that I had not liked his previous one, the one in Hong Kong, 9 Dragons. Kinda late realization but then I have always had a soft spot for his books and so I hoped for the best. I was not disappointed.

The Story:

When Mickey Haller is invited to prosecute a case for the LA District Attorney, he knows something strange is going on. Mickey's a defence lawyer, and to switch sides like this would be akin to asking a fox to guard the hen-house. But the high-profile case of a convicted child-killer who spent almost 25 years on death row before DNA evidence freed him is an intriguing one....

What do I think of the book:

This feels like the first book where Mickey Haller and Harry Bosch work together, while in fact, it is not. The story is quite interesting. Mickey Haller is pulled into this case by the DA's office and for the first time, Mickey is prosecuting for the people instead of for his client. His first ex-wife is his co-counsel, in this daunting case. Mickey Haller chooses Harry Bosch as his investigator to investigate the missing links. The story consists of individuals who are good at what they do and believe they do not need any assistance but are forced to work together for a common good. This book enabled me to view the case from both their perspectives.

I always preferred Harry's approach to a case. He was somewhat like a dog following a scent. I always felt like cheering him on, encouraging him to find that elusive clue that would help him break the case. I frankly, did not like Mickey Haller all that much. However, in this book, I realized how Harry's attitude can be detrimental to the case.

One of the big pluses for me was that I was reading this book right after watching Lincoln Lawyer. So whenever I am reading about Mickey, I am in fact, imagining Mathew McConaughey saying those things. Of course, I was also wondering who would play Harry Bosch. Back to the book, I enjoyed it. I was quite surprised with the ending but again I felt that Michael Connelly did not shy away from stating the facts. Read it and let me know what you think.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I haven't read 9 Dragons yet or this one, but I think I will like both anyway. I like Harry Bosch just too much.

I liked Mickey Haller in the Lincoln Lawyer (the book, haven't seen the movie), so it sounds great to have a book with both the people in it :)