Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I am back

Finally!! I wondered many times last month if I would ever get back to my blog. I'm so glad I did even if only to say jes that.

2012 -- Good, Bad, and the Ugly so far..

  • Received sad news in January - loss of a family member that put a pall on all "Hoo Haa Haa Happy New Year" celebration and general good mood.

  • Got the first stamp on my passport but the occassion was not celebration-worthy.

  • Lost some weight (inches actually) which no one noticed. The Arien naturally does not count :)

  • Saw some of the oscar-nominated movies - loved The Descendants, and The Artist. Liked The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo, Puss in Boots, Hugo, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, and Rango. Yet to see My Week with Marilyn and The Help.

  • Gained those lost inches this month :(

  • Visited my library after two years -- they had de-activated my account. Borrowed 6 books and scared the Arien. Currently reading Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy.

  • Thought I had done my excellent best in terms of work last year. My thoughts were validated but the current market situation hardly helped. I wonder if my performance and the market situation will always run in parallel lines... Hmmm.

  • This has been the worst ever summer in Bangalore - cannot believe we still have 2 more months to go :(

1 comment:

Dew Drop said...

nice account..

as for summer.. me in cuddalore... and with the ten hour power cut and the inverter not lasting for more than two hours, u can imagine the summer here!!!!

So, hail bangalore!!!!

keep well,