Thursday, October 30, 2008


During the course of the conversation on a rainy evening, one of the northies had told me that a movie I mustn't ever miss is the Apocalypto. You must know by now that I usually do not pay heed to most of the advice given to me. Yup, I am kinda stubborn though you wudn't guess it from knowing me. Most ppl are not aware of what I really like. However, the way he insisted piqued my curiosity and I decided that I must check the movie out.

And so it happens that a few days later, we were all set to watch it. After selling the movie like it was nobody's business, now I was worried... suppose it was awful, suppose we got bored, suppose we did not understand it at all, suppose .., suppose... Ufff!!! Lots of ppl assume one is extremely intelligent :P and ask you to either read or watch stuff that is either oh so boring (Yawn!) or is totally over the head (Over Head Transmission) and so you kinda are left with the sad task of going over it or coming up with creative truths (lies) using one's wild imagination.

Anyways, so we started watching it... it starts off pretty slowly with a bunch of tribesmen hunting for an animal in a jungle. The hunt itself is interesting and after they capture the animal (which was probably either a wild boar or an ant-eater) they split the remains amongst themselves. They are happy with the results of the hunt and start dividing the spoils while specifying why X deserves a specific portion of the animal. I was kinda reminded of the Appraisal system in huge organizations. :D You cannot really understand what they are saying but you can kinda figure out as they speak a language that is kinda pre-historic. Lot of pointing, laughing, expressions, etc.

The hunters consist of the head tribesman (an old fella), his son, and few others. As they move towards their settlement, there is a lot of noise and they are all a lot more cautious and wait with bated breath. Suddenly, a bunch of other tribesmen appear - they offer a gift of fish and ask if they can pass - the head gives them permission to use their jungle as a throughfare - and as they move - you wonder if one of them will betray the trust and there is a lot of uncertainity - suddenly you realize that they are not be feared as they seem to be running away frm smthng and almost an entire settlement is moving out - the head tribesman's son (Jaguar Paw) seems disturbed and wonders why an entire settlement is leaving. The head tribesman notices this and as they reach their settlement - pulls him aside for some advice - Tells him that he fears the unknown and that fear is a disease and he must get rid of it before he enters the settlement.

The next day, in the wee hours of the morning, their settlement is brutally attacked. Jaguar paw manages to move his pregnant wife and young son into a pit to ensure their safety and then fights the intruders bravely - all the adults are captured and the children are left behind. The adults (grouped into bunches of 7) are tied to a bamboo pole and are taken to the intruder's settlement. The intruders (Mayans) travel a long way back to their settlement with the adults. On the way, they all notice a young child, who wants them to carry her - they push her away as she is suffering from a disease that has no cure and she predicts doom for them - she says that they will be vanquished by the one they have captured who will convert the day into night and will run with a Jaguar. The Mayans feel uneasy but continue on ahead. The move from known to unknown is shot so well that you feel you are one of the adults tied to the bamboo pole.

The tribesmen reach the Mayans settlement and stare at sickness, death, hunger, ppl covered in white stuff which causes them to spit blood, and at some women who are covered in jewels. The women are sold as slaves and the men are taken to be sacrificed to the Sun God. As Jaguar paw is going to be sacrificed, an eclipse occurs, and the sacrifice is stopped. They are all set free as the Mayans think that the Sun God is satisfied and does not require any more sacrifices. The chief of the intruders is cheesed off that he went through all the trouble of getting them here for nothing and offers the prisoners as target practise for his group.

The last part of the movie simply zips past to a nail-biting finish with Jaguar Paw escaping the Mayans, saving his wife and son(s) and moving on.

If you like thrillers, then this is a must watch. Check it out when you are free and I promise you - you will not regret it. Oh.. and this movie has been directed by Mel Gibson. For the folks who watch movies at home with the clan - there is a fair amt of nudity in the movie. The movie is 'bout tribesmen and settlements and has been handled aesthetically. The nudity does not distract you from the story. To let me know what you think, send me your comments :)

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