Sunday, March 16, 2008

Test your Creativity -Exercise1

It was a lazy boring day, we had jes submitted to a release and had a lot of time on our hands. We all had finished checkng mails as well. Lunch was also done where we had tasted each other's food and rated them, chatted on all topics outside of work. Now what... some of us were tempted to go home as we had all worked overtime to submit to the last release.
Our manager walks into a conference room with the project leads in tow and we are totally thrilled that they are going to be in a loong meeting and this was so coool when we receive a mail from our manager for an impromptu meeting. We groaned at the prospect of a lengthy meeting that would go on forever.
All of us are seated and looking at each other, one team mate looks like he was sleeping and we disturbed him, some of the gals are giggling nervously, the rest are looking serious and ready to spring into action (I was in this group today - I am usually never in this group btw).
The manager raises her hand for silence and everybody now has the serious look that I had already adopted and she starts speaking. We all groan when she finishes. We have been told that we are going to have an exercise in creativity. One of the team leads will flip a book and drop random words and we should come up with a story using those random words. Following are the list of words that we were stuck with:

  • Feature
  • Identities
  • Configuration
  • Library
  • Queries
  • Good
  • New

This was my creative entry:
Loong Loong ago, so long ago that nobody knows how long ago, there was a huge fight in the Library. The fight was between the good books and the new books. Each felt that their identity was superior and believed that the other's was inferior. The other books did not query their opinions and so the fight went on and on.
A new librarian was appointed and she decided to put an end to this never-ending fight. She queried the books on their features to decide which set of books were superior. She made a list of the features and found that there was a major interlap - some good books were new and some new books were good. So there could be no end to the fight.
She decided to configure the library such that the new books were in a different floor to settle the fight once and for all.
Today, everybody knows that the new books are in the II floor of the Library and now, you know why :D

1 comment:

gugiinsingapore said...

What was the story writing we did in HP. Remember your story? It was a brilliant one.