Friday, February 29, 2008


How many times have you felt an inordinate desire to pet a stray dog or to smile at a total stranger or to thank your cab driver who dropped you off at work in one piece... sometimes? Often? Not at all - Are you crazy??.. Well, you are not alone in this world. Sorry guys this is definitely not your unique behavior pattern that must be psychoanalysed by Freud (long dead) or shared with pride. In fact, its not even a behavioral pattern. So, is it all about how you feel today? You had a great day, well, you can be nice to somebody, come on why not? You had a lousy day, well, why should I be nice to anybody?
Did you notice that this select few on whom you bestow your "niceness" are not your family members who live with you day in and day out, they are not your friends, they are not your office colleagues? I am sure you did.
So what do you feel for these other people who spend a lot of time with you, friend, spouse, lover, parents, siblings, and others? Attachment, love, affection, something.. So why is it so easy to be affectionate to your car cleaner while it is so difficult to be barely nice to our close circle?
I call this an Attachment Doppler Effect. The closer you are to a person, the higher the discordancies and vice versa. Then why do we get along like a house on fire with some people and not with others - that does not seem to follow the Attachment Doppler Effect. So what gives?
Thats the topic for the next post ppl.


Unknown said...

Interesting.....& to a great extent it's really true.I keep wondering what's wrong with this people who are close to you....Lookig forward for your next note :)

Casey said...

Thank you, Kalai. There really is nothing wrong with the ppl whom you are close to... its the Doppler effect at work ;P