The movie is set in 2044, where the main character, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, known to the TV buffs from the television series 3rd Rock from the Sun, and more recently from The Dark Knight Rises and Inception, earns his living working as a looper. A looper's job is very similar to a contract killer only his victims are from the future (30 years in the future). Time travel was invented but outlawed and so when the mob wants to get rid of someone, the person is sent 30 years in the past, to a looper whose job is to kill him. Loopers are a happy lot, earn quite a bit, and lead a good life compared to the others until they realize that someone in the future has decided to close the loop by sending the looper's future version to the looper to kill. The money for the killing is attached to the back of the victim, usually silver blocks. When the victim has gold blocks, it is a sign that the looper's future version has been killed by the looper, thereby closing the loop. Bruce Willis plays Joseph's older-by-30 version and does not let himself be shot by Joseph. This is not new, Joseph's friend, another looper, does the same and meets a horrific end, thanks to Joseph. Bruce Willis wants answers that he hopes to get here, in his past. He does not like his young self too much, considers him too self-obsessed. What happens next?
There is no amazing suspense nor are you left wondering whodunit? However, you want to know what is going to happen next and that makes this movie interesting.
Bruce has done a good job as he is known to do. Emily Blunt, the secretary from The Devil Wears Prada is good as well. The story moves well in the able hands of Joseph and while you are shocked at some of his actions, you feel happy that he will care for a woman, his wife, more than he cares for himself -sometime in the future though it is not evident now (a short flashback from Bruce Willis).
Joseph looks a lot different - I think they added some prosthetics to make him look more like Bruce - not sure. It doesn't really work - you only wonder if he had a bad botox job or bad face-lift. At least, I did. I was actually not a 100% sure if he was who I thought he was. All b'cos of the prosthetics. Here is a pic of the actor from the movie. You can judge for yourself.
Watch it wen you can - I liked it.