Friday, October 31, 2014

17 out of 31 -- Not bad -- XVIII

Well, well, well.... Ok, so I could not post everyday but 17 is not too bad. In fact, as far as I know, its my highest number of posts in a month. A new record, if you really think 'bout it- Yeah!! Time for the Bing Dance :D

Well, I am glad I tried. It makes me believe in myself.

Now, I should really set realistic targets and work towards them. Starting off with daily posts for 1 month may have been a bit unrealistic considering I had not blogged in almost a year. But, 17 is not too bad. Am I saying that too much?? Hmmm..

It could have been better but who am I kidding - I am so glad I got 17 at least :D

I have a new plan for November. Fingers crossed. You'll hear from me soon. Tada!

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