Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Lunch Box -- Movie Review

Irrfan and Nawaz
Nimrat or Ila in the Kitchen
We have never watched a movie on a week day and so I was pleasantly surprised when the Arien suggested that we catch "The Lunch Box" on Friday. The senior Arien and the Taurean were also interested. However, due to really bad traffic, the Taurean did not make it home in time for leaving and the senior Arien did not want to catch the movie without the Taurean and so it was just the two of us. We were late by a few minutes thanks to the same traffic but that did not deter us.

The movie was well-shot, well-edited, and had actors who ably supported the story. Irfan, Nimrat, and Nawaz are so real that you expect them to pop out of the screen after the movie and join you as you make your way home discussing the movie.

Image Courtesy:

More than dialogues, the movie is made of a number of expressions: Irfan's grouchy expression as Nawaz disturbs him, his lighting-up-the-face smile as he tastes the food, Nawaz's failed attempts at endearing small talk to break the ice with Irfan, Nimrat's quizzical expressions and her "Aunty.." stay on long after the movie. The dialogues are equally good, and bring a smile to your face. There is also Irfan's characteristic dead-pan humour.

Image Courtesy:

Irrfan -All Smiles
This is a movie which one should experience and not read about in reviews. There are so many terms to describe this love story but they have all been over-used and sound tacky to my ears now. So, I prefer to call it a love story.

If I had to sum up the movie in two sentences, as my english teacher used to say, I would say: This is a love story where food and monotony of life play the main characters while relationships and life in general, play non-supporting roles. 

Catch the movie. Enough said :)

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