Sometime last year, I saw
Paranormal Activity. It probably happened during the time when I decided "No more movies" and so instead of not seeing the movie, I decided not to write 'bout it. Yeah - I kinda do such things. Back to the movie, most folks do not consider
Paranormal Activity to be a scary movie. However, I was totally creeped out after watching the movie (both parts), and so I disagree. The key point about both these movies is that we watch the story unfold via video cameras that are placed all over the house. The idea is not really new but works for a lot of reasons.
The second part is not a sequel but actually runs parallely. This part was quite confusing as we watched the main characters from the earlier movie appear in this movie and we realized that the second part is kinda where it all begins but it is not a prequel. Anyway, there are more characters in this movie. A husband and wife live with their teenage daughter, a young baby, and a dog. Things start happening, the house looks broken in but nothing valuable is taken. This creeps the new mom and they install cameras all over the house. So, what exactly is in the house? That forms the rest of the story and this movie was as scary as the previous one. And, to really enjoy the movie you must watch it late in the evening!
Image Courtesy: It takes a while to get to the scary part and this can be a bore. There are some unexplained bits.. we may have a Part III in the works. The ending is totally unexpected and you are like "Whaaaaa??? Come on!" Good to watch at home.
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