The Arien had been driving me nuts with his Avatar comments and so I finally said "Yes - Lets go!" on Friday evening. We booked tickets for the late evening show on saturday. I asked the senior Arien if we would like to accompany us. Surprisingly, the senior Arien agreed. Watching it on 2-D was def. a factor in our not enjoying the movie but hey effects are not everything. Plus, I recieved this very funny fwd regarding Pocahontas and Avatar tht totally killed my "Oh my" feeling.
It was a surreal experience but smwhere in the middle - I actually got bored and wanted to know if others were equally bored (first time ever), the senior Arien yawned, and the Arien was a bit surprised tht the hyped movie was not meeting his expectations :(
Disaster 2:
I had my first puncture on my bike. It happened on a Friday at work. Sunday was spent pushing the damn bike up the ramp tht leads to the entrance and the Arien dropped it off at the only place that was willing to fix it - a cycle shop. Since it was my first puncture and had hpnd after 5 looong years.. they had a hard time getting the tube out. I spent a "watthehell" twenty minutes watching the cycle shop owner's assistant do sm weird moves on my tyre as he tried to change the tube... AAhhhh!!
Disaster 3:
A bug(not the multi-legged variety) landed on my desk which required that I use all the diplomacy I had (included heavily borrowing on my reserve) as well as all my time and effort (which fyi were already on reserve). The actual fixing jes took one single day but the entire process was an absolute killjoy - Aiyooo!!
Disaster 4:
Based on the enthu showed by one of my Arien frends who had jes been to Hampi, I jumped into "Lets go to Hampi" mode till the Arien had no go but to agree. Beegest trip disaster in recent times. The Arien got bored and told me he was tired of seeing temples when in actuality we had not visited even a single temple. I got pretty depressed after visiting the ruins and was actually ready to go home. So, it was yet another disastrous turn of events.
While I spent the last few days waiting for a miracle - Nothing hpnd. I finally decided to be happy b'cos Disaster 5 did not land on my desk. For all you folks waiting for my X-mas updates - the Arien decided to get a new crib on 24th December at 8 pm. I was ready to freak out b'cos it was really too late to go shopping for the crib. Why it does not feature under a disaster is that we were suprisingly lucky in our search and the Arien had this huge smile when we placed all the statues in the crib. It was a nice X-mas with the Star attraction being shared by the new crib and the zooming in Star.