Senior Arien decides to solve the issue by opting for Tatkal and calls an agent who wud get us the tatkal tickets. While we are in limbo - nobody can say for sure if we are travelling - I am busy sharing my sob story with a friend and he adds a new dimension to my worries - the SMB.
You can see the badly camouflaged side middle berth that looks like an extension to the side upper berth. This kinda works if the journey involves ur falling asleep as soon as you start. If not - well, where do you sit? The side berths have split seats and so only two ppl can sit there unless you are travelling as a family or your travelling companions are open to sharing their seat with you. Don't get me wrong - most folks are sweet and nice n all that - but do you want to be at their mercy? Maybe that is too strong but I feel that for women travelling alone and senior citizens - being at the mercy of the other passengers for help in unfolding the side middle berth or for a seat - when you have paid for the seat jes like everyone else - is really too ridiculous. I did hear that railway authorities offered concessions on those berths - yet to be confirmed!
The tickets arrived and both the arien and the senior Arien spent a lot of time trying to figure out if any of us were given the smbs - which the agent assured us we were not! First of all, we were not sure if the train we were travelling on had SMBs. Second, the numbers would have changed and so both myself and the taurean felt that they were wasting their energies ;P
Whenever I travel by train, I find that I am either unusually early or running late. This time, we started an 1hr and 15 mts early and still it looked like we were going to miss the train - thanks to the amazing traffic jam at MG Road and of course, the Metro construction work. Surprisingly, we didn't miss the train thanx to our driver :D The first thing I noticed in my compartment was the presence of the SMB. Next second, I was franctically checking if any of us had that number - No!! Relief flooded all our faces - it was a sight to watch :D
When I returned from the trip, I was not too surprised that sm folks had actually started an online petition on SMBs. I have added my name - pls feel free to add yours at this site: